All of my life was governed by these 3 laws: my Law of Inertia, my Law of Acceleration, and my Law of Interaction. Sounds like the 3 laws of motion, isn’t it? But, no. It’s not Newton’s laws of motion; it’s MY laws of SPIRITUAL motion. These laws that I had created years ago and perfected last month have been of great help for me since then. These laws, which are all appropriately named for the messages each of them contain, constantly remind me to look at the problems I encounter with a knowing mind and a positive outlook on life. These laws also contain facts in life that can’t easily be denied. They became my guide as I continue my way to the top. That is why I let my life be governed by these laws. I can’t imagine my life without them.
Now, let me introduce my first law of spiritual motion, which is my Law of Inertia. My law of inertia states that I have to resist unbalanced forces if I want to continue moving, since a body in motion will continue to do so unless a force is acted upon it. Meaning, I have to mentally fight off problems from getting under my skin in order for me to get on with life, since these problems can either alter one’s steady course or end one’s serene journey. I have to be wary not to let my problems get the most of me, because if they do, I will get panicked and I might do something that can alter my optimistic view of life. That’s why I have to keep them a distance away from me.
How can I maintain my motion if I am persistently bombarded with a lot of them? The answer lies in my second law of spiritual motion which is my Law of Acceleration. My law of acceleration states that I have to accelerate more if there is an increase of the unbalanced force. The greater the force of the problem, the greater should be my acceleration. In other words, I have to bear in mind that the only way I can beat these troubles is to overpower their force. Therefore, I have to accelerate forward despite of all the distractions in order for me to maintain my motion.
So that I could carry out the second law and continue the first law, I created the third and last law of spiritual motion, which is my Law of Interaction. My law of interaction states that I have to keep on resisting and accelerating because every obstacle has an equal yet oppositely directed force, which is the solution itself. I will eventually stumble on it if I persist on resisting the problems and accelerating forward. That’s why I have to keep these things up if I want to get on with life.
If you’ll look closely, you would surely see that what I am saying all along is that the problems we face should be dealt with a calm head, a persistent heart, and an affirmative action. A calm head is needed so that we can resist our problems. A persistent heart is a necessity so that we can accelerate forward. An affirmative action is essential so that we can continue resisting and accelerating. Therefore, these 3 laws of mine that have been guiding me through all these years can also be your guide as you go through yours.
Now, let me introduce my first law of spiritual motion, which is my Law of Inertia. My law of inertia states that I have to resist unbalanced forces if I want to continue moving, since a body in motion will continue to do so unless a force is acted upon it. Meaning, I have to mentally fight off problems from getting under my skin in order for me to get on with life, since these problems can either alter one’s steady course or end one’s serene journey. I have to be wary not to let my problems get the most of me, because if they do, I will get panicked and I might do something that can alter my optimistic view of life. That’s why I have to keep them a distance away from me.

So that I could carry out the second law and continue the first law, I created the third and last law of spiritual motion, which is my Law of Interaction. My law of interaction states that I have to keep on resisting and accelerating because every obstacle has an equal yet oppositely directed force, which is the solution itself. I will eventually stumble on it if I persist on resisting the problems and accelerating forward. That’s why I have to keep these things up if I want to get on with life.
If you’ll look closely, you would surely see that what I am saying all along is that the problems we face should be dealt with a calm head, a persistent heart, and an affirmative action. A calm head is needed so that we can resist our problems. A persistent heart is a necessity so that we can accelerate forward. An affirmative action is essential so that we can continue resisting and accelerating. Therefore, these 3 laws of mine that have been guiding me through all these years can also be your guide as you go through yours.
The way you have integrated Physics and apply your understanding of the subject to English and your personal philosophy in life tell so much of how great you have understood all three - Physics, English and most especially Life. Keep up your good work!
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