Sunday, October 26, 2008

Christmas Geometry

Gifts come in different shapes and sizes.

Some are square, while others are round.

Just like gifts, people have geometric patterns, too. There are well-rounded people. They are intellectually and physically active. They engaged in many activities like singing, dancing, sports, reading and the like.

Other people are square. They are the introvert or silent types. They enjoy being alone writing poetry or simply listening to music.

How many shapes and sizes can you form with lines? Infinite! Likewise, with people. Each person is a unique creature of God endowed with different personalities, talents and skills.

What is so special about all our differences?

The intersecting lines, the point of connection between lines are special! It means that despite our diversity, we can still form bonding relationships with others through love and understanding. That is the special message of Christmas!

Taken from Children's Story and Activity Book No. 26